Tax Grievance Process

Property Tax Reduction Consultants
125 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 500 
Jericho, NY 11753
516-484-0654 or 631-484-0654

Here at Property Tax Reduction Consultants, our goal is to make the tax grievance process as simple as possible. While the application period for Long Islanders will not open until September, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the process beforehand. 

Here’s P.T.R.C.’s process:
Send your application to P.T.R.C. online or via email, mail or fax
Once we’ve received your application, we will send you a confirmation
The experts at P.T.R.C. review your information and take care of the rest

If we don’t agree with your assessment, P.T.R.C. will file the application on your behalf. If you live in Suffolk County, we’ll represent you with the Board of Assessment Review (BAR). If you live in Nassau County, we 
will represent you at the Assessment Review Committee (ARC).

P.T.R.C. boasts an impressive success rate in reducing Long Islanders’ property tax. Most importantly, we do not charge a fee if we are unsuccessful in securing a reduction.

Visit to learn more about how we can help you save money and get refunds from your town for overpaid property taxes.


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