Fun Summer Kid Crafts

In the summertime, it can often be difficult to come up with things to do outside. These crafts you can do in the shade outside or in the home with the cool AC. Have fun with it!

With a few basic ingredients, you can make a homemade puffy paint for your kids to play with all day long. 

Puffy Paints
  • All you need is one cup of flour, three teaspoons of baking powder, one teaspoon of salt and enough water to make it liquid like pancake batter. 
  • Mix this solution and place the puffy liquid in four separate bags and put a rubber band on each one. 
  • Use food coloring in each bag and mix them up. 
  • Then, cut off a tiny hole in the other side of the bag and paint away. 

Flubber / Slime

Have you ever wanted to make your own flubber? All you'll need is:

  • 3/4 of a cup of cold water
  • One cup of Elmer's glue
  • Some liquid food coloring
  • Half a cup of hot water
  • Teaspoon of borax

Once you have all the ingredients, you mix the cold water, glue, and food coloring together before, set it aside in a bowl. Then, you mix together the hot water and borax in its own bowl. Once the borax has dissolved, slowly add the glue mixture to the first bowl and mix it well. Afterward, pour off any excess water that may have found its way into the mixture. Once that's done, you'll be ready to play with your new flubber/slime.


If neither of those options seems appealing to your kids, you can always try making your own paper bag puppets!

For this, all you need is a paper bag, construction paper, a glue stick, and scissors. With paper bad puppets, there is an endless range fo what your kids can do with the backs. Use the construction paper as teeth, eyes, arms, wings, legs, however they want, this is all about using your imagination.

We hope you pick one of these as a fun to do option with the kiddos during this summer. Let us know if you have any other fun crafting topics you'd like to see us cover. 


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