P.T.R.C. Inc.: A History of Success

Property Tax Reduction Consultants
125 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 500 
Jericho, NY 11753
(516) 484-0654 or (631) 484-0654

property tax reductions| Long Island Property Tax

When it comes to property tax reductions on Long Island, P.T.R.C. Inc. is one of the best in the business. We have been at it for over 27 years and our team of experts has earned MILLIONS of dollars in reductions for our clients. Yes, there are other services out there that do what we do, but nobody does it like us. Our process is unique, effective and it can work for you if you just take the time out to submit your application today! Here is a review from a client that we helped in the past: 

"I'm a new homeowner and decided to try and lower my taxes since I realized how crazy and all over the place taxes are in different Long Island neighborhoods. I decided to send email inquiries to a few tax reduction services and I had no idea who to select. I hired P.T.R.C. Inc. because I liked how they handled my inquiry. I felt I had some personalized experience and they had answered all of my questions in a timely matter. I just got the results and I am more than pleased. They saved me over $3,000! I will definitely be using them again and I recommend them to every homeowner" - Cole M. 

When you have been in the business as long as we have, you start to develop relationships with the people in the industry. These relationships can BENEFIT you because our team has been successful during all phases of the reduction process. If you don't receive a reduction in the initial phase, we will take your case to the Small Claims Assessment Review (SCAR) where we have been extremely successful. And the best part is, we only get paid if you receive a reduction! 

Once you fill out your application, your work is just about done. We will perform a comparable market analysis, lead you through the process, and then you can sit back and relax while we earn you a reduction. 

If you want to be just like Cole and reap the benefits of a property tax reduction, you need to submit an application today. The deadline for Nassau County homeowners is March 1st and for Suffolk County residents it is May 16th. That might seem far away, but we all know how fast these things can arrive. 

If you have any questions about the process, call 516/631- 484-0654 or email info@ptrc.com.


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