What are Customers Saying About PTRC?

Property Tax Reduction Consultants
125 Jericho Turnpike, Jericho, NY 11753
516-484-0654 or 631-484-0654

If you’re considering contacting PTRC to help conquer your tax challenges, find out what others are saying about their experience with us! Listed below are some real clients testimonials that we hope reinforce your decision to work with us.

“Thank you for getting my Floral Park Village taxes successfully adjusted.” - Barbara

“Thank you for your clarification of the process, your manner was exemplary!” – Florence

“Thanks for a great tax break for a 72 year old senior!” – Al

“This note is over-due but "Sandy" has brought me unexpected circumstances. I would like very much to tell you how much I appreciated the time and thoughtfulness extended to me by your employee Jennifer. I have been dealing with P.T.R.C for many years. I felt she was courteous and genuine and needed recognition. Thank you for all your help.” – Brigid

“Thank you! You fought city hall and won… Bravo!” – Patricia

“Thank you for helping my family with this reduction. My wife and I have just retired and the savings came just in the nick of time.” – Charles and Karen

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank you most sincerely for the refund check you sent me for overpaying property taxes. I was having sleepless nights how I was going to pay several bills that were due. Being 86 years old widow it is hard to find a job. You saved my day! Thank you most sincerely. I will remember you in my prayers. Good Health and happiness to you and yours. God Bless!” - Ed

But, that’s not all! Check out the testimonial page on our website to see what else our clients had to say about us at: http://www.ptrc.com/testimonials. Call us today and find out why PTRC is the leader in Property Tax Challenges!


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